Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Los Angeles

 We landed and drove immediately to Venice Beach and ate Mexican food.  Why not?
 The owner of this set-up was very, very proud of the fact that his dog was "The most instagrammed dog in Los Angeles."  Andrea instagrammed it.
 Venice boardwalk.
 When in Los Angeles, I buy all my pipes at the No Hassle Discount Pipe Shop.
 $30.  Not bad.
 Because they're charging $40 down the beach.

 And super grom.  Sponsored by Element.  I think we'll see him soon.
We stayed in Manhattan Beach.  Where they fish at night.
 And the next day got really crazy.  And went to Santa Monica Beach.

 And the Getty.
And so much for Los Angeles.  Because DISNEYLAND!  Oh.  If you haven't heard it yet, ask to hear our Jay-Z story.

 And then down to Laguna Beach.  Where we had a beautiful beachside hotel room that I hardly saw.  Bike story here.
 I did a ride with the Crank Brothers folks and other assorted media.  It almost killed me.  We just climbed and climbed and climbed.  And I didn't think I'd make it.  But the other media almost died on the way down, so it all kind of evened out.

 For any mountain bikers...this is a photo of Hans Rey playing foosball.  He never seems to take his helmet off.

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